Gabi sang backing vocals on Jumping Ship.
Steve: “What can I say about this ethereal beauty? She’s the funniest girl I’ve ever met, with one of the most exquisite voices you could hope to hear. With her heavenly tone and delicate vibrato, she can really express something not many singers could ever even dream of. Her own musical persona, Foreign Slippers, has a raft of gorgeous music you should definitely check out.
I was lucky enough to spend two weeks in The Roundhouse in Camden with her, Jules Maxwell and Jez Wiles in 2011 working on a beautiful show called Fat Girl Gets A Haircut, where we got to drift into a musical trance every night – Gabi’s voice would fly up into the heights of the venue, soaring like so many birds, devastating, haunting, yet reassuringly beautiful.
Not only that but she is a great illustrator. When I mentioned to Maurice that Gabi was going to do a bit of singing for us on Jumping Ship, he looked her up and saw her illustrations for her own album Farewell to the Old Ghosts – crows… and a track called What Are You Waiting For on her playlist, just after we’d finished the chorus with (more or less) that line in it. It all seemed very serendipitous.”
And so it was. Leo Abrahams kindly let us use his studio to record the “siren voices” for Jumping Ship and it was exactly what we’d been hearing in our heads for months. It’s so delightful to have her on the record!
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